Sergio Agüero and the future after retirement
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Sergio Agüero and the future after retirement

When mentioning modern football, it is impossible not to mention the name Sergio Agüero. He is one of the best players of his generation, leaving a deep impression in the hearts of fans with his talent and dedication on the field. However, like every other athlete, time will make him face retirement. So what will Sergio Agüero’s future look like after he leaves the field? Let’s learn about the article below Find out with

Sergio Agüero and the future after retirement

Sergio Agüero and the future after retirement
Sergio Agüero and the future after retirement

Start your coaching career

One of the most popular options for players after retirement is to become a coach. As an experienced player, Sergio Agüero is fully capable of imparting his knowledge and skills to younger generations of players.

When looking at how successful some famous former players like Zinedine Zidane or Frank Lampard have been as coaches, this will certainly be a great source of motivation for Agüero. Leading a football team can help him realize his desires and ideas for playing football.

Participate in social and charitable activities

Agüero is not only famous for his talent on the field but also for his compassion. He has participated in many charity and community support activities throughout his career. After retiring, it is likely that Agüero will continue these activities on a larger scale.

There are many charities that Agüero can partner with, from supporting poor children to protecting the environment. With his influence, he is able to attract attention and funding from philanthropists and fans, helping to bring many opportunities and positive changes to society.

Media and television career

A career in sports journalism and television is an attractive option for famous former players like Agüero. With good communication skills and a deep understanding of the sport, he can become a commentator, analyst or even a sports presenter.

Appearing on sports television channels not only helps Agüero stay close to the football scene but also creates opportunities for him to share his experiences, knowledge and personal views on the matches. This can also help him maintain his reputation and influence in the eyes of fans.

Explore the business field

Outside of football, Agüero could also explore business opportunities, such as opening a youth player training center or participating in other sports projects. With the experience he has accumulated during his playing career, he can create great value for these projects.

Sports brands and soccer-related companies are always looking for collaborations with stars to promote their products and services. Agüero can leverage its brand value to develop personal businesses or collaborate with major brands.

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Sergio Agüero’s legacy in football history

Sergio Agüero's legacy in football history
Sergio Agüero’s legacy in football history


Sergio Agüero is not only an excellent football player but also an icon in world football history. His contributions to both club and country will be remembered forever. This section will explore in depth the legacy that Agüero left behind in the hearts of fans and football history.

Excellent achievements at Manchester City

Sergio Agüero has been an important part of Manchester City’s success over the years. Since joining the club in 2011, Agüero has scored regularly and quickly became one of the Premier League’s top scorers.

With his impressive scoring ability, Agüero helped Manchester City win many titles, including the Premier League, FA Cup, and EFL Cup. He is also the top scorer in the club’s history, a record that no one can deny.

Contributed to the Argentine national team

Not only achieving success at the club level, Agüero is also an important member of the Argentine national team. Throughout his international career, he has participated in many major tournaments such as the Copa America and the World Cup.

Despite experiencing many unfortunate defeats in the finals, Agüero has always been a mainstay in Argentina’s squad, with great performances and important scoring ability. The pinnacle of his international career was when he and Argentina won the Copa America championship in 2021.


In the context that Sergio Agüero has officially retired, his future is opening up many interesting directions. From becoming a coach, participating in charity activities, to exploring a career in media or business, Agüero has great potential to continue contributing to football and society.

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